What to Bring & Important Numbers

when mountain hiking

Cape mountain footbridge

As your guide I carry first aid stuff, extra water, and a few other things to make the walk more enjoyable and as safe as possible.

For the same reason, it's important for you to bring when hiking Table Mountain and other mountain trails:

SHOES - a strong pair with soles of good grip, (for good reason)

WATER - at least one litre per person on a half day hike;  two litres for a full day,

CLOTHING - a warm top & a rain-proof jacket. Even hot days can turn cold fast,

SUN PROTECTION - like a hat, and high UV-factor sunscreen cream. Personally, I prefer light-colour, low-weight, long-sleeves and long pants. The summer sun is a real threat.

A DAYPACK to carry it in.

Please note: tight clothes such as jeans restrict movement; clothing of dark fabric retains heat.

Nick Ashby Cape Trekking hiking guide

Physically challenging to hike, mountains can become hostile environments.

Mountain activities increase risk significantly. A qualified hiking guide can help minimize the chance of potential danger, but up in remote rocky terrain we get unusually exposed.

Before starting the walk you will be asked to sign an indemnity form.


WHEREAS l _____________________________________________(insert full names)

will be participating in a trail organized and conducted by Nicholas Ashby

AND WHEREAS I am prepared to give certain warranties, indemnities and consents and make certain acknowledgements relating to my participation in the trail, and which participation shall include the parking of my motor vehicle at relevant sites.

AND WHERE it is a condition of my participation in the trail that the said warranties, indemnities, acknowledgements and consent be recorded in writing and signed by myself.

NOW THEREFORE I record the following-

  1. I warrant that I am 21 years of age or older.
  2. I am under the age of 21 years and am assisted herein by my mother/father and natural guardian (insert full names of natural guardian above). (delete whichever of 1 or 2 above is not applicable].
  3. I acknowledge that I am aware that the activities organized and conducted by Nicholas Ashby in which I will be participating during the tour (the activities) are potentially dangerous and can result in personal injury, including fatal injury to myself.
  4. I confirm that I fully appreciate the risks that I will be exposed to whilst participating in the activities.
  5. I hereby voluntarily assume all risks which are associated with the activities and consent to the risk of any harm which may befall me whilst participating in such activities including bodily injury and death.
  6. I agree that I shall have no claim whatsoever against Nicholas Ashby, or any such company that he is employed or contracted to (hereinafter referred to as the parties) for any injury, harm or loss of whatsoever nature which I may suffer whilst participating in the activities even if such injury, harm or loss is caused by the negligence of any of the parties.
  7. I accordingly indemnify all the parties against any illness, injury, harm or loss which I may suffer as a result of participating in the activities.
  8. In addition to the exemption from liability detailed above I further agree that none of the parties shall be liable to me for any injury, harm or loss of whatsoever nature suffered by me at any time during the tour (and not only whilst participating in the activities) arising from any cause whatsoever including but not limited to illness, accident, theft, injury or death. This exemption from liability shall apply even where the injury, harm or loss referred to above is caused by the negligence of any of the parties.

signed at ___________________on this day ______________________________


(signature of adult participant or natural guardian)

Air Mercy Service helicopter, Maclears Beacon, Cape Town Feb 2024

Rescue at Maclears


Table Mountain National Park Hotline (Mountain Security/Crime/Wildfires): 086-110-6417

Ambulance: 101 77

ER 24: 084 124

Table Mountain/San Parks Hotline: 0800-00-44-24

Table Mountain National Park: 021 957-4700

Wilderness Search and Rescue (WSAR)/Metro Rescue Control Centre: 021-937-0300

WSAR website

Disaster Risk Management: 080-911-4357 or 021-480-7700


To report a fire in the Table Mountain National Park call:

  • Hotline: 086 110 6417 or the
  • City’s Regional Fire Control No: (021) 590 1900
  • Newlands Fire Base: Tel: +27(0) 21 689 7438

More info from SANParks about fires on Table Mountain found here


CEDERBERG: Extremely limited cell phone reception

Cape Nature Office at Algeria: 027 482 2403 or 027 482 2404

Cederberg Conservancy Krom Rivier: +27 482 2807

West Coast Control - 022 433 8700

Clanwilliam ambulance - 027 482 2576 or 10177

Ceres Hospital - 023 316 1304

SOS-via-satellite devices are a good idea to take on remote treks.